
Hello World!

Shaoxiong Feng (冯少雄) is a PH.D. student with the dual-degree program in Beijing Institute of Technology and University of Technology Sydney. He works with many brilliant co-authors, supervised by three responsible professors.

Contact: shaoxiongfeng@bit.edu.cn

Research Interests

  • Open-domain Dialogue System (Incorporating inductive bias into …)
  • Knowledge Transfer (Imitation Learning, Knowledge Distillation, and Collaborative learning)
  • GAN (image and text)

Personal Interests

  • Collaborate with co-authors and partners on valuable projects
  • Research on Startup and VC

Education Background

2013-2017China University of Geosciences (Beijing)Petroleum Engineering
2017-2023Beijing Institute of Technology & University of Technology SydneyComputer Science & Technology